Hi, my name is Francisco Mastropierro
I'm Full Stack Developer.

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About me

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I am an eager, ambitious and hardworking individual, with broad skills and experience in IT sector. Furthermore, I am adept at handling multiple tasks on a daily basis competently and at working well under pressure.
A key strength is communication; building strong relationships with people in order to deliver the best results.
Recently, I completed Henry bootcamp, i am motivated to learn new skills and open to work.

Hobbies and Interests:
Passionate about basketball. I like role-playing videogames. I am a good team player.

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The application allows you to view a list of technological products with detailed information on each one by clicking on it. It has an authentication system with outh0, register and login. It has roles for user and admin. The user can make purchases, edit his profile and subscribe to the newsletter of the page, add to favorites and buy products. The admin panel, in addition to creating or editing a product, viewing the product orders, viewing the comments of all products and all users, can give you the admin role.

Tools used: JavaScript, HTML, CSS, NodeJS, Express, Sequelize, PostgreSQL, React, Redux, cloudinary.

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Individual Project

The project consists of an application that allows you to view a list of Videogames with detailed information on each one by clicking on it. It allows you to create your own Videogame by completing a fully controlled form.

Tools used: JavaScript, HTML, CSS, NodeJS, Express, Sequelize, PostgreSQL, React, Redux.

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